Company / About the company


Branko Debeljak, M. Sc. Mech. Eng.





Abbreviated name: TEŠ d.o.o.

Address: Cesta Lole Ribarja 18, 3325 Šoštanj

Telephone: 03/8993-100

Fax: 03/8993-485

Tax number: SI92189903

Company identification number: 5040388


O podjetju
Electricity production in Slovenia in 2017


The decision to build the Šoštanj Thermal Power Plant was made in 1946, as a result of a great need for electricity and large coal deposits in the Šalek valley.

The construction started in 1947 and was continued, due to certain complications, five years later.  In 1956, the construction of two 30 MW units was completed. In 1960, the 75 MW Unit 3 was built and in 1973, the 275 MV Unit 4 started to generate electricity.

Due to rapid deterioration of energy position of Slovenia and an increasing significance of coal as energy fuel, a call for tender for the construction of a new 345 MW unit was conducted already in 1973, with participation of all significant global manufacturers of thermal power generation facilities. The foundation stone was laid on 01 February 1975, followed immediately by the beginning of construction works. The majority of equipment was installed in 1976; the installation was completed in the following year when all necessary operation test were conducted. The first synchronisation of the unit was carried out on 25 September 1977 and regular operation of the unit began on 27 January 1978. With the total installed capacity increasing to 755 MW, TEŠ now represents the largest power generation plant in Slovenia. The construction itself was accompanied by the installation of the most advanced equipment in Europe. Two gas units, each with nominal power of 42 MW, started operating in 2008. In the same year, Unit 2 was permanently shut down, followed by the shutdown of Unit 1 in 2010.

The decision about the construction of the 600 MW Unit 6 was made in 2004; from the environmental point of view, it represented continuation of the ecological rehabilitation which we started implementing – with a great concern for the environment – already in 1983. The purpose of Unit 6 is a gradual replacement of technologically obsolete and economically unprofitable Units 1, 2, 3, and 4. To generate the same amount of energy, Unit 6 uses approximately 30 percent less coal, resulting in significantly lower total emissions to the environment; while generating the same amount of energy, its CO2 emissions are 30 percent lower as those from other units at TEŠ. With the construction of Unit 6, which started trial operation in June 2015, we reduced the level of environmental pollution, improved the quality and energy efficiency, and provided an opportunity for the power plant to achieve compliance with international standards on best available technology.


Decision about the construction of Thermal Power Plant in Šoštanj
31 December 1946
Decision about the construction of Thermal Power Plant in Šoštanj
The executive Council of People’s Republic of Slovenia establish a new investment company, Thermal Power Plant in Šoštanj in construction
The executive Council of People’s Republic of Slovenia establish a new investment company, Thermal Power Plant in Šoštanj in construction
01 January 1954
operation of Unit 1: 30 MW
16 May 1956
operation of Unit 1:  30 MW
operation of Unit 2: 30 MW
operation of Unit 2: 30 MW
31 August 1956
operation of Unit 3: 75 MW
25 November 1960
operation of Unit 3: 75 MW
operation of Unit 4: 275 MW
operation of Unit 4: 275 MW
10 May 1972
operation of Unit 5: 345 MW
25 September 1977
operation of Unit 5: 345 MW
realised project for the closed-circuit of leachate from the ash depot
realised project for the closed-circuit of leachate from the ash depot
start of implementation of the ecological rehabilitation programme
start of implementation of the ecological rehabilitation programme
construction of the treatment plant of Unit 4
construction of the treatment plant of Unit 4
29 March 1995
obtained Quality Management Certificate 9001
05 April 2000
obtained Quality Management Certificate 9001
construction of the treatment plant of Unit 5
construction of the treatment plant of Unit 5
27 December 2000
TEŠ became one of the companies of the Holding Slovenske elektrarne
26 July 2001
TEŠ became one of the companies of the Holding Slovenske elektrarne
obtained Quality Management Certificate 14001
obtained Quality Management Certificate 14001
25 February 2003
adoption of the Development Plan at the General Assembly of TEŠ
11 June 2004
adoption of the Development Plan at the General Assembly of TEŠ
start of implementation of the development plan of TEŠ until the year 2011 and signed  contract with Siemens for the modernisation of the power plant
start of implementation of the development plan of TEŠ until the year 2011 and signed contract with Siemens for the modernisation of the power plant
14 October 2004
obtained Quality Management Certificate 18001
13 May 2005
obtained Quality Management Certificate 18001
50 years of operation of Termoelektrarna Šoštanj d.o.o.
50 years of operation of Termoelektrarna Šoštanj d.o.o.
16 May 2006
signed EUR 350 million loan agreement for the construction of the 600 MW Unit 6 with a steam turbine
04 October 2007
signed EUR 350 million loan agreement for the construction of the 600 MW Unit 6 with a steam turbine
obtained Environmental approval for Unit 6
obtained Environmental approval for Unit 6
11 November 2007
successful synchronisation of the generator of the first 42 MW gas unit
15 April 2008
successful synchronisation of the generator of the first 42 MW gas unit
signed agreement for the supply of the power island for Unit 6
signed agreement for the supply of the power island for Unit 6
27 June 2008
ceremonial opening of the first 42 MW gas unit
09 May 2008
ceremonial opening of the first 42 MW gas unit
successfully synchronised generator of the second 42 MW gas unit
successfully synchronised generator of the second 42 MW gas unit
03 September 2008
permanent shutdown of the 30 MW Unit 2
permanent shutdown of the 30 MW Unit 2
signed agreement for the construction of the flue gas desulphurisation plant for Unit 6
signed agreement for the construction of the flue gas desulphurisation plant for Unit 6
22 June 2009
entry into force of the agreement for the supply of the Power Island for Unit 6
03 December 2009
entry into force of the agreement for the supply of the Power Island for Unit 6
permanent shutdown of the 30 MW Unit 1
permanent shutdown of the 30 MW Unit 1
31 March 2010
signed agreement for the construction of the cooling system of Unit 6
16 February 2010
signed agreement for the construction of the cooling system of Unit 6
signed loan agreements with EIB for EUR 440 million and EUR 110 million
signed loan agreements with EIB for EUR 440 million and EUR 110 million
April 2010
obtained Environmental permit for Unit 6
16 February 2011
obtained Environmental permit for Unit 6
obtained construction permit for Power Island and cooling system of Unit 6
obtained construction permit for Power Island and cooling system of Unit 6
17 March 2011
beginning of construction works at the facilities of Unit 6
20 April 2011
beginning of construction works at the facilities of Unit 6
beginning of works for the installation of the steel structure of the boiler at Unit 6
beginning of works for the installation of the steel structure of the boiler at Unit 6
15 February 2012
consent for the connection of Unit 6 to the 400 kV transmission network
28 May 2012
consent for the connection of Unit 6 to the 400 kV transmission network
beginning of installation of  the pressure equipment of the boiler at Unit 6
beginning of installation of the pressure equipment of the boiler at Unit 6
15 August 2012
beginning of installation of the turbine house of Unit 6
04 March 2013
beginning of installation of  the turbine house of Unit 6
beginning of pressure tests at the Power Island of Unit 6
beginning of pressure tests at the Power Island of Unit 6
29 November 2013
first firing of the boiler of Unit 6
23 July 2014
first firing of the boiler of Unit 6
first steam feed to the turbine of Unit 6
first steam feed to the turbine of Unit 6
17 September 2014
first synchronisation of Unit 6 with the electric power network
24 September 2014
first synchronisation of Unit 6 with the electric power network
Unit 6 achieved the operation with nominal power of 600 MW for the first time
Unit 6 achieved the operation with nominal power of 600 MW for the first time
21 October 2014
issued decision on trial operation of Unit 6
27 May 2015
issued decision on trial operation of Unit 6
beginning of one-year trial operation of Unit 6
beginning of one-year trial operation of Unit 6
11 June 2015
valid permit for continued operation of Unit 4 in the total amount of 17,500 operating hours until 31 December 2023; issued by ARSO
29 February 2016
valid permit for continued operation of Unit 4 in the total amount of 17,500 operating hours until 31 December 2023; issued by ARSO
production of  1000GWh achieved at TEŠ; in other words, 1 billion kWh, for which we used 767,000 tons of coal from the Velenje Coal Mine
production of 1000GWh achieved at TEŠ; in other words, 1 billion kWh, for which we used 767,000 tons of coal from the Velenje Coal Mine
13 April 2016
six decades of the largest producer of electricity from coal in Slovenia and sixty years of reliable electricity production
16 May 2016
six decades of the largest producer of electricity from coal in Slovenia and sixty years of reliable electricity production
Termoelektrarna Šoštanj acquired the operating permit for Unit 6
Termoelektrarna Šoštanj acquired the operating permit for Unit 6
09 June 2016
monthly production record was achieved at TEŠ with 475 GWh of electricity (Jul/2015: 443 GWh and Jul/2016: 439 GWh)
02 November 2016
monthly production record was achieved at TEŠ with 475 GWh of electricity (Jul/2015: 443 GWh and Jul/2016: 439 GWh)
we obtained from ARSO a permit for the operation of the light fuel oil fired gas turbine PT51, for up to 500 hours per year
we obtained from ARSO a permit for the operation of the light fuel oil fired gas turbine PT51, for up to 500 hours per year
22 November 2016
daily electricity production record in the entire 60-year history of operation, i.e. 18,582,503 KWh; it once again demonstrated the significance of a reliable thermal energy source, which operates independently from external factors, for covering the demand for electricity.
21 December 2016
daily electricity production record in the entire 60-year history of operation, i.e. 18,582,503 KWh; it once again demonstrated the significance of a reliable thermal energy source, which operates independently from external factors, for covering the demand for electricity.
outstanding annual record, electricity production at TEŠ in 2016 amounted to: 4,120 GWh. Previous annual production record was set in 1983, amounting to 4,077 GWh
outstanding annual record, electricity production at TEŠ in 2016 amounted to: 4,120 GWh. Previous annual production record was set in 1983, amounting to 4,077 GWh
03 January 2017
we completed the first regular overhaul of Unit 6
03 July 2018
we completed the first regular overhaul of Unit 6
due to expiry of operational life, final shutdown of the 275 MW Unit 4 after 46 years of successful operation
due to expiry of operational life, final shutdown of the 275 MW Unit 4 after 46 years of successful operation
06 July 2018
after nearly three years and a completed ecological rehabilitation, Unit 5 once again began to feed power to the Slovenian grid
16 August 2018
after nearly three  years and a completed ecological rehabilitation, Unit 5 once again began to feed power to the Slovenian grid
record daily production of electricity at TEŠ with both coal-fired units: Unit 6 = 12,229,355 kWh and Unit 5 = 6,582,018 kWh. Total = 18,811,373 kWh
record daily production of electricity at TEŠ with both coal-fired units: Unit 6 = 12,229,355 kWh and Unit 5 = 6,582,018 kWh. Total = 18,811,373 kWh
06 September 2018


The results of operational readiness of our generators can be compared to higher-ranked European thermal power plants.

UnitGenerator nominal power
Unit 1Permanently shut down on 31 March 2010
Unit 2Permanently shut down in 2008
Unit 3Permanently shut down in 2014
Unit 4Permanently shut down on 06 July 2018
Unit 5345 MW
Unit 6600 MW
Gas units2 x 42 MW


Director’s Office

+386 3 8993 200

Sectors’ Office

+386 3 8993 204

Reception office

+386 3 8993 646

Public relations

Monika Oštir
+386 3 8993 498

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