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Company / Policies
junij 2015
Blok 6

At the Šoštanj Thermal Power Plant we are aware that the production of electricity and thermal energy has a great impact on the society and the environment in the following aspects :

  • employment,
  • consumption of energy products, water and other raw materials,
  • emissions of gas and dust into the atmosphere,
  • water discharges into the environment,
  • production of ash, slag and desulphurisation products,
  • various other waste and
  • noise due to the operation of machines.

Zagotavljanje zdravega okolja, varnega in zdravega dela ter varovanja informacij, je temeljni pogoj in skupen smoter vodstva ter vseh zaposlenih. Vloge, odgovornosti in pooblastila so definirane in zaposleni so z njimi seznanjeni. TEŠ si prizadeva v okviru možnosti zagotavljati takšne pogoje dela, ki zagotavljajo zaposlenim in obiskovalcem varno in zdravo delovno okolje.

Uspešno izvajanje politike zahteva sodelovanje vseh zaposlenih in sprejemanje individualne obveznosti.


In the last 20 years, we have invested considerable funds in ecological projects in order to achieve our ambitious goals in terms of reducing NOx, CO2, SO2, and dust emissions. By implementing the development plan, we will maintain electricity production, and by continuing the ecological rehabilitation in accordance with the Kyoto Agreement, we will significantly reduce emissions and maintain the water quality. We will maintain our active role in the development of the local environment by contributing donations and sponsorship funds to support various sports, culture, science, and art projects and activities.

We will continue to devote a great deal of attention to our employees. We share a considerable responsibility with them: to implement our energy projects in order to realise our expectations in the economic, environmental and social fields.



At Termoelektrarna Šoštanj, we pride ourselves in responsible management of natural environment and active involvement in the social environment. In addition to successful economic operation, we observe the principles of sustainable development and follow social expectations. It is therefore that, in addition to reliable production of electricity, regular monitoring of operations, and considerable investments in the social community, we actively plan our development, mainly in terms of higher efficiency of the units.

We have established an integrated management system that is composed of quality management system following the requirements of SIST ISO 9001:2015, environmental management system following the requirements of SIST EN ISO 14001:2015, and occupational safety and health management systems following the requirements of OHSAS 18001:2007. With the introduction of the integrated management system, all activities are connected to an efficient system which leads to the realisation of the Company’s vision, mission, and long-term goals. It provides the employees with safe and comfortable working conditions which are a prerequisite for creative work. By integrating individual management systems into a comprehensive integrated management system, we are introducing the philosophy of total quality management (TQM).

zaposlovalna politika
TEŠ certifikat SLO

ISO 9001

Pre-audit for ISO 9001:94 was performed on 22 and 23 November 1999.

The certification audit was performed in the period from 15 to 17 December 1999 and the certificate ISO 9001 was obtained on 05 April 2000.

In 2002 we performed, within the framework of the control audit, an extension audit to ISO 9001:2000.

  1. Re-audit of ISO 9001:2000 on 24 June 2003
  2. First combined external audit: 22 April 2004
  3. Re-audit of ISO 9001:2000; 18-20 April 2006
  4. Re-audit and transition to a new version of the standard ISO 9001:2008; 06-07 May 2009.
  5. Re-audit of the standard ISO 9001:2008; 09-10 May 2012
  6. Re-audit of the standard ISO 9001:2008; 15-17 April 2015
  7. Re-audit of the standard ISO 9001:2015; 24-26 April 2018

Certificate issued: Munich, 21 May 2018, valid from 01 July 2018 to 08 May 2021; Certificate Reg. No.: 12 100/104/116 12177 TMS; Issued by: TÜV SÜD Management Service GmbH.

ISO 14001

Pre-audit for ISO 14001:1996 was performed on 21 and 22 November 2002.

The certification audit was performed in the period from 17 to 20 December 2002 and the certificate ISO 14001 was obtained on 25 February 2003.

  1. Re-audit of ISO 14001:2004; 18-20 April 2006
  2. Re-audit of the standard ISO 14001:2004; 06-07 May 2009
  3. Re-audit of the standard ISO 14001:2004; 09-10 May 2012
  4. Re-audit of the standard ISO 14001:2004; 15-17 April 2015
  5. Re-audit of the standard ISO 14001:2015; 24-26 April 2018

Certificate issued: Munich, 21 May 2018, valid from 01 July 2018 to 08 May 2021; Certificate Reg. No.: 12 100/104/116 12177 TMS; Issued by: TÜV SÜD Management Service GmbH.

OHSAS 18001

Pre-audit of OHSAS 18001:1999 was performed on 13 April 2005, the certification audit was performed on 04 and 05 May 2005. In May 2005, we obtained the certificate of occupational safety and health management system OHSAS 18001:1999. Thus we became the first power plant in the world that has ever obtained the certificate OHSAS 18001 by a certification body, i.e. the company TÜV Management Service GmbH.

  1. Re-audit of OHSAS 18001:1999; 06-07 May 2008
  2. Early re-audit and transition to a new version of the standard BS OHSAS 18001:2007; 06-07 May 2009
  3. Re-audit of the standard BS OHSAS 18001:2007; 09-10 May 2012
  4. Re-audit of the standard BS OHSAS 18001:2007; 15-17 April 2015
  5. Re-audit of the standard OHSAS 18001:2007; 24-26 April 2018

Certificate issued: Munich, 21 May 2018, valid from 01 July 2018 to 08 May 2021; Certificate Reg. No.: 12 100/104/116 12177 TMS; Issued by: TÜV SÜD Management Service GmbH.


Z akreditacijsko listino se priznava izpolnjevanje zahtev standarda SIST EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017, za dejavnost preskušanja v okviru obsega akreditacije, ki je priloga akreditacijske listine.

Datum podelitve akreditacije: 16. 5. 2008

Veljavnost akreditacije: do preklica

Listina je izdana pri Slovenski akreditaciji (SA), ki je podpisnica sporazumov o medsebojnem priznavanju akreditacij na področju preskušanja pri Evropskem združenju za akreditacijo (EA) in pri Mednarodnem združenju za akreditacijo laboratorijev (ILAC).

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